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Snibston Snippets

November 1975, 44 years ago

2nd..37s district...electrician, (could have been Eric Rush or Terry Underwood) servicing pump megator switches in Main Gate....2 men cleaning water holes out....joint mended on main gate belt......4 men carried pile rods in and put in main gate Lip....fitter wanted for no.2 pump....

3rd....R.Smith 356, stone fell from roof onto Right Foot, 6.15pm, witness T.Burt 407......

21st..signal bell on 37s maingate haulage...1 Arch set in m/gate.....1 arch set in s/g......1 cut s/g.....1 cut m/g...pumps moved 15yds....

22nd..YD_14s_10s. 15 men, Velovac pump switched over from 4" range to 6"......14s new haulage rope taken up... December 1975 to be contd ...


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Snibston Snippets

November 1976

38s supply gate, lip dropped 4ft, lip on2ft, pack 13ft, 1 arch set, 2 cuts..

8th nov..lower main 1s..electrician repaired Minidev panel,2 cables run down face and connected up,damaged cable run off face to belt end...

22nov..southwest DRCL, red light on pump panel, not pumped out; JCM4 pumped to low level; 50s face pumped out; 47s pumps working; all fans working..

25nov..38s supply gate; J.Thornley tally 63, stone rolled out trapping middle finger r/h, between arch 12.15pm. Witness T.Birt 407....

26 nov. 38s supply gate T.Birt 407, chock block dropped across R/H index finger 8am, witness M.Wilton 469....

28nov.New Main and Drift. DRCL machine cable se15 burst, taken to top of Drift, replaced with cable se9; joints put on South 1 belt; Rope men replacing drift belt ropes; fitters repairing spider on bunker gearing and leveled up...

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Snibston Snippets

October - 44 years ago (2019 posted)

7th oct...37s, one cut on s/g m/c..50yd signal cable urgently needed..raining 3yds to lip,sludge..

8th oct..50yd move up..boring panel set up bottom of s/g..belt signal repaired..

9th oct..50m cable wanted for vertical borer in s/g..7yds of coal bottoms between chocks 26-22 want getting up,panzer snaking over and chocking coupling box put on m/g m/c cable at 120 chock...

10th oct..electrician servicing s/g transformer..left hand track on Hauser not working..signal wire broken 100yds from snicket...

11th oct....200 picks carried in from the pit bottom to the D.R.C.L...36yds of Huwood belt structure put in for the Dosco...

14th oct...37s, filled lip out-taken one leg out, needs 2 girders setting,,30yds of snicket filled out...

21 oct,,drained snicket off..2under rings set...

27th oct..B.Ward tally 44,bolt sheared on ram,flew off and injured right cheek, witness T.Goldie tally 156. 1.20am....

30th oct. took 2 rolls of belt from the pit top to 37s... "memories"


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Snibston Snippets

more "snippets from "Snibby".......5/12/1975_37s, 4.30pm, K.Hubbard 383 dropped borer onto right foot, witness R Chapman 429.....9/12...37s, lip dropped 4.0 ft...lip on 2.0 ft..cuts 2 1/2...pack 14ft...Base 674 (not sure if thats ft.)....

29/12..37s, 5.00pm, T.Timson 97


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December 1975 (2020 posted)

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Snibston Snippets

January 1976

.9/1/1976, 37s, R Chapman 429, whilst boring lip borer jammed and twisted round right arm.....

22/1..37s M/G, stone fell from roof onto chest 09.30am, pain in chest went out of pit at 10.15.....

1/2/1976, Nether district, haulage rope tensioned up, 3 guards fetched from pit bottom, manrider coupled up, guards put on haulage wheels, electrical trouble all shift, Tysens men cleaning up round the bend...


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Snibston Snippets

8/2/1976..37s, 4 men working at the fall, cleaned 1yd forward, crawling road made onto face. Face in poor condition, stage loader still fast....
3/3/1976.. 37s, F Lock filled 6 tubs on the level, stone dusting 14s-37s s/g....D4D pump repaired and working, A.Read 489, bent down to pick up a bag of stone dust and felt pain in back, 10.00am.....contd...

February and March 1976

Snibston Snippets: Text

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